Centrum Faculty
This skilled creative collective could wrap their arms around the globe. Much respect, big hugs.
Robert Stubblefield
Afternoon Workshop FacultyAbout
Robert Stubblefield has published fiction and personal essays in Dreamers and Desperadoes: Contemporary Short Fiction of the American West, Best Stories of the American West, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Left Bank, The Clackamas Literary Review, Cascadia Times, Oregon Humanities, Oregon Salmon: Essays on the State of the Fish at the Turn of the Millennium, Open Spaces, basalt, High Desert Journal, and The Whitefish Review among others. Awards include a Georges and Anne Borchardt scholarship from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Fishtrap Fellowship, and Imnaha Writers’ Retreat Fellowship. Robert grew up in eastern Oregon and now lives in Missoula, Montana and teaches at the University of Montana where he serves as Director of the BFA in Creative Writing and UM Press.