2009 JPT Photos Now Online

Evening Jam Session

If you attended the 2009 Jazz Port Townsend workshop, then you probably know Jim Levitt. The man was everywhere.  Jim is a photographer who has helped us each of the past two years to document the experience. We're grateful to have someone of Jim's skill and passion working with us. Even though he has a day job, he took the week off to spend it with all of you. Thank you Jim.

We have begun placing some of Jim's photos on our Flickr site. We have created a photoset from the 2009 workshop–and we'll be adding more soon. Don't forget, you can post on Flickr too…just be sure to tag them "jazzporttownsend09." We'll post a slideshow soon. And as always, we want to see your photos, hear your tunes, and learn more at our jazz community site: http://centrumjazz.ning.com


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