2010 Jazz Port Townsend Goes Live

 Jazz Port Townsend workshop combo

Time to get your jazz on!

Registration is now live for the 2010 Jazz Port Townsend workshop week. Artistic Director John Clayton has invited an outstanding group of jazz artists to serve as your mentors July 25 – August 1, 2010.

In addition to returning faculty luminaries such as Benny Green, Terell
Stafford, George Cables, Wycliffe Gordon and Jeff Clayton, there are
several new faculty this year we’re very excited about. 

These include
the Heath Brothers Quartet (Jimmy and Tootie Heath, Jeb Patton and
David Wong), Butch Miles (drums), Byron Stripling (trumpet), Ben Wolfe
(bass), Christine Jensen (alto), Rene Marie (vocal), and Ellen Rowe

In all, more than 30 outstanding faculty will be
on hand for a week of wall-to-wall jazz

Jazz Port Townsend is combo-based, so we’ll need an audition recording to place you in a group of similar players. Learn more about what you need to register, and then sign-up online.

We look forward to seeing you in Port Townsend

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