2011 Jazz Awards To Jazz Port Townsend Artists


The 2011 Jazz Journalists Association announced their annual awards for jazz music and jazz journalism this past weekend, and artists associated with Jazz Port Townsend were front and center.

  • Jimmy Heath, who was on faculty last year, was awarded the organization’s Lifetime Achievement in Jazz honor.
  • Arranger of the Year honors were given to NEA Jazz Master Bill Holman, who will join us in Port Townsend in 2011.
  • Matt Wilson was named Drummer of the Year. Matt is on faculty with us in 2011 as well.
  • The Mallet Instrumentalist of the Year honor was given to Stefon Harris. Stefon will also be with us this year.

Visit the JJA website for the complete run-down. The list is loaded with artists who have made a deep impression on Jazz Port Townsend students and audiences.

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