A Big Thank You From Explorations

Explorations 2010 The Young Artists Project at Centrum has had a great spring. We welcomed middle school students from across the state of Washington to Fort Worden State Park in March for Explorations – a week of total immersion artmaking.

We were incredibly impressed by the young artists who attended. Energy, creativity, fearlessness – all were on display.

A hearty 'thank you' to each of the students who came. However, we would also like to thank the teachers, parents, chaperones, school districts, and community groups who quite literally make our Young Artist Project workshops possible.

We think that community investment of this sort affirms the critical roles that art, creativity, and problem-solving play in our daily lives. Bravo!

Explorations faculty member Darwin Nordin took some nice photos of the students who came through his workshops during the week. We've posted all of them over on our Flickr site.

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