A Letter from John Clayton

John Clayton Dear Jazz Family:

I’m excited about our Jazz Port Townsend 2010 workshop in July. I want to make sure you know that registration is now open and I hope you’re planning on joining us. It would be awesome if you could be there. We’ve put together a great faculty, with a combination of old and new friends. You can check out the link here to get started, and see the list of faculty here.

As always, we ask you to submit an audition recording. Please move on this now so that you are in time to meet to meet the April 16 deadline. This is especially important for pianists, since we always fill up on that instrument early. Please review our audition information, and start practicing (“performing,” right?!) now.

I also want to make sure you know about two other workshops at Centrum this spring.  There will be a Latin Jazz Intensive workshop (paired with a Salsa Dance Intensive) March 18-21 with Oscar and Paulo Stagnaro, and a Choro Intensive April 22-25 with Mike Marshall and Choro Famoso. Both are excellent ways to expand your musicianship and learn from amazing faculty, and make great music yourself.

Also coming up October 28-31 will be our second Big Band Intensive. The 2009 workshop was an instant hit.  We’re planning to have two full bands this time.

So, my friends, you have lots of opportunities to build on your musicianship. I hope you’ll take advantage of as many of these as you can. Program Manager Gregg Miller (gregg@centrum.org) will be glad to answer any questions you may have. I hope to see you in July at Jazz Port Townsend, or at one of the other workshops.

Your fan,

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