A Reading, a Weekend, and a Week-Long Conference

Upcoming Dates!

April 28, at 6:30 pm, Samuel Green–Washington state's poet laureate from 2007-2009–will give a free reading at the Jefferson County Library.

June 3-6, the Techniques Class in Creative Nonfiction happens at the Fort Worden State Park campus for writers who want hone their writing voice through immersion in the craft of literary nonfiction.

And, July 18-25, the thirty-seventh annual Port Townsend Writers' Conference also happens at the Fort Aerial View of Fort Worden Worden campus. The options start each morning with Ellie Mathews' morning freewrites, happening from 7-8 am. For those interested in a core morning workshop, in which you study with the same faculty member and small group of participants all week, that happens from 9 to 11:30. Our drop-in afternoon workshops, which are skyrocketing in popularity, happen from 2 to 3:30 pm. And our afternoon craft lectures and evening readings lead us up to 10 pm and the open-mike readings.

One thing to note: for those of you wanting to study with a core faculty member, many workshops are sold out, with waiting lists started. Space does remain in the nonfiction workshop of Bich Minh Nguyen, the fiction workshop of Peter Orner, and the poetry workshop of Erin Belieu.

Registration for all Conference workshops and residencies is available here, as well as by calling  360.385.3102, x131. 

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