Artist Sketches for 55: Music and Dance in Concrete

Seattle-based composer Wayne Horvitz, Portland-based audio engineer and producer Tucker Martine, Japanese dancer/choreographer Yukio Suzuki and Japanese video artist Yohei Saito are at Centrum preparing the September 21-23, 2012 world premiere of their new multi-media performance “55: Music and Dance in Concrete. The piece will inaugurate Centrum’s “Reverberations” Festival.

We thought you would like to see a video ‘artist sketch’ of their work in progress.

“55: Music and Dance in Concrete” will be presented in the chambers of historic Batteries Randol and Quarles utilizing a musical soundscape comprised of 55 short improvised and 55 composed works by Horvitz that were performed by Horvitz and guest musicians, and recorded by Martine, in the Harpole Cistern and the Batteries earlier this summer. The recorded music, which features a “repurposed” mix of the 110 works, will be heard from speakers as patrons walk through the chambers that feature video projections from Saito. Suzuki and his dance company Kingyo will be performing in the Batteries at 11:00 AM, 1:30 PM, and 4:00 PM, with each dance segment lasting approximately 30 minutes.

As an ancillary event and part of the Port Townsend Film Festival which runs September 21 through 23, Horvitz will be leading a quintet of musicians performing his jazz score to the acclaimed silent film Woman of Tokyo, directed by the legendary Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu at the Rose Theater on Friday, September 21, at 6:15 PM. Following the screening, Horvitz will talk about his music for the film as well as “55: Music and Dance in Concrete.” Information about purchasing film passes is available through

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