Balkan Singing Workshop

On June 9, at 2 pm in Building 205, Centrum presents Mary Sherhart in a Balkan Singing workshop, celebrating the music of the Balkan region (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Croatia). No pre-Mary_sherhartregistration is required for the free workshop.

The Balkan region holds a rich tapestry of cultures and religions. It's a place where east meets west, where daily lives are embroidered with seasonal rituals, where people live close to the land and women sing throughout the day to lighten their work load. The songs created over the centuries embody unparalleled melodies, harmonies, rhythms, text, poetry, history, and humor.

During this 90-minute workshop, Sherhart will teach songs from several regions of the Balkans. She will cover voice placement, pronunciation, ornamentation, and cultural context. And participants will share in the joy of raising their voice together with others. The Balkan Cabaret Band will also be at the workshop, accompanying the songs. 

Artist_trust_logo_6 The workshop is an Artist Trust "Meet the Artist" event. Artist Trust's "Meet the Artist" program is an integral component of the annual Artist Trust/Washington State Arts Commission Fellowship Award. "Meet the Artist" events bridge our artistic community with the diverse communities in Washington state, increasing awareness about the vital roles art and artists play in our culture. Find out more at


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