A Soul Motion™ Experience! with Zuza Engler – Body Prayer Workshop – 3 Days of Dance and Inspiration

MMI-Zuza09-front-lrg Madrona MindBody Institute – your sanctuary for conscious dance – presents:

BODY PRAYER with Zuza Engler
    June 26, 27, and 28th, 2009

Body Prayer a wild and luminous offering of the body in motion to this sacred Presence that is continually breathing us into Being.

This workshop is not so much an invitation to dance, as it is an enticement to enter into a spirited engagement with Life.

Open to dedicated dance devotees, beginning movers, and all curious and willing to meet self and other.

Jens Wazel (dance teacher – Seattle) wrote to his students regarding Zuza's visit to the Northwest:

" I
consider Zuza my favorite facilitator in the field of conscious dance – she is one of the main sources of inspiration for my own work.

brings a very unique mix of grounded strength, loving kindness, deep
wisdom, and wild motion to her work that I can promise will leave you
Join us in this exciting and beautiful setting in Washington – your sanctuary for conscious dance.".

Zuza Engler has been on the spiral path of the kinesthetic investigation into consciousness for over two decades, in motion, stillness and process inquiry. She is a long-term student and practioner of Buddhism, Soul Motion™ and Gestalt Awareness Practice,  Zuza teaches regularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, and Internationally – she  is on the faculty of the Soul Motion™ Teacher Certification Program.   

June 26, 27and 28, 2009

Onsite accommodations.  Some work trade scholarships available. For more workshop information and to sign-up online go to…

Madrona MindBody Institute
200 Battery Way, Building 310
Port Townsend,  WA 98368
(360) 344-4475

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