Take the time you need to be a creative force in the world.
We are beyond excited to open up applications once again for 2022.

Have you re-committed yourself to a creative pursuit recently? Has your practice been screaming for attention? Centrum offers a space for you to reconnect with yourself, with the land, and with a community of artists and individuals who have helped reclaim Fort Worden as a site of healing and creative resurgence. Each year we are able to accommodate up to 150 artists of all disciplines who find solace in rustic cabins, wooded and beachy trails, and studio spaces that allow for spreading out and getting messy.
This year, we are thrilled to be able to expand our offerings to movement and performance artists with the addition of two beautiful dance/movement studios in building 310. Scholarships and subsidized rates are available for artists coming in from all points of their careers. Collaborative groups can apply to share spaces and split costs.

Learn more and apply today. Applications are open until August 30, 2021. APPLY HERE.