At Centrum, the power of the arts brings people together. Whether you are four years of age or 99, picking a banjo, watching a world-class performance, writing a poem, or soaking up inspiration, at Centrum your creativity is the key to a more vibrant and inclusive world. Today, these values—and your support—are more vital than ever.

Your gift to Centrum transforms the lives of thousands of artists, learners, and audiences of all ages through the experience of creativity in community. Join us by making a contribution today!


Centrum performance at Fort Worden
Centrum contains artistic multitudes! Support your creative passion, pay it forward with a scholarship, or give towards the greatest organizational needs. Our incredible donor community makes it all possible. Thank you!

We’re proud to share our 2024 Annual Report with the community of stakeholders who care so deeply about Centrum and our programs to bring artists and learners together for life-changing experiences in arts education. Thank you to everyone who made 2024 a great year for Centrum!

"Centrum was a life changing experience that enabled me to expand my artistry and deepen my sense of self as a musician. I first participated in Centrum as a 16-year-old sophomore and it confirmed music as my life-long passion.”
acoustic blues lessons at Centrum
Darynn D
Jazz Port Townsend participant
donate to centrum circle

The Centrum Circle

We invite you to invest in Centrum’s future by joining the Centrum Circle. Created to lay the foundation for fifty more years of creativity in community, the Centrum Circle is a giving community of multi-year donors dedicated to Centrum’s transformative artistic programming.

Centrum’s goal is to fuel the durability and sustainability of our programs through fifty 3-to-5-year commitments of $1,000 or more per year from the visionary donors who make our work possible.

Please contact Centrum’s Senior Director of Development, Katy Goodman, (360) 385-3102 Ext. 104 with any questions.

Centrum Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit arts and education organization, tax identification # 23-7348302. Donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.

More than 1,000 companies and foundations in the US currently match their employees’ gifts to non-profit organizations such as Centrum. Under a corporate matching gift program, cash gifts, or gifts of volunteer time from a company’s eligible employees, are matched with company or corporate foundation funds. It all adds up to a great way to increase your contributions and receive more benefits at no additional cost to you!

Ask your employer if your gift to Centrum is eligible for a corporate match, or contact us

Congress has enacted a permanent IRA charitable rollover. As a result you can make an IRA rollover gift this year and in future years. Learn more about IRA rollover gift to Centrum.

For those looking to play a role in Centrum’s future artistic excellence, a planned or deferred gift is the ultimate way to help.

More resources about how to make a planned gift to Centrum can be found HERE.

Planned giving options include:

  • Bequest – a bequest is a gift made through your estate. It may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of the estate or a remainder, after other distributions have been made. You may also choose to restrict the bequest to benefit a specific Centrum program.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity – in exchange for cash or assets, Centrum agrees to pay a fixed sum to the donor for the duration of the donor’s life, after which the remainder is left to the Centrum Endowment Fund.
  • Charitable Trust – transfer your assets into a trust, which pays income to you, or other designated beneficiaries until the trust terminates and the remaining principal is left to benefit Centrum.

Making a gift of stock is a great way to support our mission. Please contact us if you would like more information.

For gifts of stock, use the resources here:

Centrum Foundation
c/o Charles Schwab
DTC = 0164
Code = 40
Account No. = 9297-1025
e-mail reference =

Non-profit organization under section 501 (c) (3) Tax ID Number: 23-7348302.

Centrum's most recent 990 is available here.
