Centrum Presents

Workshop: Brazilian Choro AprilApr 19 2023 - AprilApr 23 2023
Choro NorthwestMusicWorkshop

What is Choro Music?

The Brazilian musical style of Choro represents the coming together of European melodic and harmonic traditions with African rhythms and sensibilities. Emerging in Brazil in the middle of the 19th  century, Choro is a cousin of jazz, with a sense of yearning that is often described as a “sweet lament.” Many ethnomusicologists believe that the name Choro comes from the Portuguese verb chorar—that is, to weep or to cry. It often seems bright and happy on the surface, but if you dig deeper you’ll find a kind of sadness, a longing that Brazilians call saudade.

Something about the combination of Portuguese and Italian influences resulted in melodies with a strong romantic feeling. When joined with its African influences, Choro has an irresistible groove and rhythmic momentum that is uniquely Brazilian.

Workshop: Brazilian Choro AprilApr 19 2023 - AprilApr 23 2023
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Centrum Campus, 223 Battery Way, Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend


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