Faculty Changes at Fiddle Tunes

With great regret we inform you all that James Cheechoo and his family, due to circumstances beyond his control, will not make it to Fiddle Tunes this year. We're actively working to see that he makes it in 2010.

However, in his stead come two different styles of music. Jose Moreno, one of the last Tex-Mex string players from Texas, will visit with Chuy Castillo, who will accompany him on bajo sexto. Those of you who remember Mr. Moreno's first visit to Fiddle Tunes will recall that he also plays the button accordion. Here's a short bio: 


In addition to the Mexican string tradition, we'll also have a style that has never before been represented in Port Townsend – fiddling from the Orkney Islands, north of Scotland: Scottish music with Scandinavian underpinnings. Who is this fiddler? Not telling, this is a Centrum surprise for Fiddle Tuners, but you'll meet this player when we get going on June 28.

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