2004 Point Wilson_Photo_Keven_Elliff

Happy Thanksgiving!


Dear Volunteer Friends,
This Thanksgiving week finds us months down the road from the onset of Covid-times and all too habituated to a pandemic way of life. Hopefully with upcoming events including a vaccine just around the corner our lives will return to the way they were a year ago. In the meantime, Centrum staff are busying away planning next year’s workshop and performance schedule to cover all eventualities from in person to online options, and everything in between. One way or another, there will be fun to be had and music back in our lives in 2021!
It’s been quiet without you this season to say the least, and especially noticeable recently is the absence of the Volunteer Appreciation Party. For those of you who eagerly signed up for your first season this year may not know that each Fall we throw the best volunteer party in town (as befits the very best volunteers!) at the Silverwater Cafe to thank you for all your hard work over the season. It’s an opportunity for us to shower you with thanks and for you to hob knob with other volunteers while feasting on delectable and plentiful treats. Hopefully next year.

I think I’m done with drawing attention to fences. They used to be worthy of remark—“hey, here are some activities you can do while social distancing”—now everything’s done behind an imaginary fence and bemasked, so I’ll conclude with a photo of me cheersing you (beside a token fence when fences were just fences) to say Happy Thanksgiving, thanks for being you and please stick with us into an exciting new season.

FUTURE OF OCEANS Free Lecture Series – December 13

The Port Townsend Marine Science Center monthly lecture series draws on the commitment of professional researchers and educators across all academic spectrums to help define and inspire the health of our oceans.

Sunday, December 13, 3 pm, Zoom
Immersions in the World of Kelp
Betsy Peabody
Executive Director, Puget Sound Restoration Fund

Puget Sound Restoration Fund has been steeped in kelp work for the last decade. This presentation will delve into the results of the Hood Head seaweed investigation, R&D underway to restore bull kelp forests, a newly launched underwater kelp ecological survey program, and an upcoming 2021 kelp expedition.  The 2020/2021 lecture series will be via zoom and is free to attend.  Please register!

5 day retreat






Click on the link for the Winter and Spring 2020/21 class schedule




Thanks for listening and stay safe.

If you have any comments or questions please don’t hesitate to email

Claire Africa
Volunteer Coordinator

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