July 14 Free Readings: Skip Horack & Luis Urrea

During the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference, a rich and diverse gathering of prose writers and poets read from their work.

Readings are free, and open to the public at the Joseph F. Wheeler Theater. View the entire Readings schedule.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
7pm: Skip Horack & Luis Urrea

Skip HorackSkip Horack is the author of the story collection The Southern Cross (2009), winner of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference 2008 Bakeless Fiction Prize; and the novel The Eden Hunter (2010), a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice. His work has also appeared in Oxford American, the Saturday Evening Post, Epoch, The Southern Review, Narrative Magazine, and elsewhere.

Horack is a former Jones Lecturer at Stanford University, where he was also a Wallace Stegner Fellow. His novel The Other Joseph will be published by Ecco/HarperCollins in 2015, and he is currently an assistant professor at Florida State University specializing in fiction and creative nonfiction writing.

For more information please visit www.skiphorack.com.

Luis_UrreaLuis Alberto Urrea, 2005 Pulitzer Prize finalist for nonfiction and member of the Latino Literature Hall of Fame, is the critically acclaimed and best-selling author of 16 books, including The Devil’s Highway, The Hummingbird’s Daughter, Into the Beautiful North and The Tijuana Book of the Dead.

Born in Tijuana, Mexico to a Mexican father and an American mother, Urrea has won numerous awards for his poetry, fiction and essays. The Devil’s Highway, his 2004 non-fiction account of a group of Mexican immigrants lost in the Arizona desert, won the Lannan Literary Award and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the Pacific Rim Kiriyama Prize.

This spring sees a new book of poetry (The Tijuana Book of the Dead), a collection of short stories (The Water Museum) and the re-release of his nature essays (Wandering Time).

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