Spiritweaves Retreat with Michael Molin-Skelton

Madrona MindBody Institute (Port Townsend, WA) presents:
Dancing on the Edge: Spiritchild of the 5 rhythms ® & soul motion™   April 17, 18 and 19th

Friday Night Spiritweaves Dance (Open to Public) – Michael Molin-Skelton

Friday April 17th  7:00 to 9:30 p.m. (open to public)
$25 to
current MMI students (if pre-registered by the 16th) $35 @ door.  Two
and one half hours of pure delight as Michael spins his magic with the
world of dance.  Madrona MindBody is truly ecstatic to have Michael
grace us with his unique and special talents while holding a presence
for the Pacific Northwest Dance Community.  Friday night is included as
part of workshop tuition.

Dancing at the Edge – Weekend Workshop

The Friday Night Dance is the doorway to the weekend's workshop with Michael – which offers an opportunity to dive deeper into the spirit of the Michael-musings-newdance, where we commit ourselves to immerse and incubate. No previous dance experience is needed to attend this workshop, only a yearning to explore the dance within.

"Michael inspires us with his passionate love of movement and his amazing capacity for full bodied, soulful articulation. He is a teacher of integrity who teaches with gentleness as he helps us awaken in our senses, our bodies, and in our lives. "
Susan Harper (Continuum)

"Dance is not something I do,
it is simply
who I am" 
Michael Molin-Skelton

Learn more about this three-day workshop/retreat at Fort Worden in Port Townsend, Washington.

Register by April 1st (early birdie discount) and save Michael rain$25 off regular the regular tuition.

Tuition $285includes workshop, other MMI weekend classes, SoulFull Sunday and lunch on Saturday.

Onsite accommodations available for you and/or your dance community.  Some partial work-trade scholarships available – please contact Aletia@MadronaMindBody for details.

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