2018 Free Fridays_Photo_David_Conklin

Opportunity: Centrum Alumnx Residents offered free profiles on Foundwork.art

Foundwork is a platform helping to connect artists and collaborators across the contemporary art community. It’s a focused venue to introduce your work to a global art audience, where curators, gallerists, and others can research and engage with practicing artists wherever they’re based. The site is run in New York by a former gallerist and features artists internationally.
In addition to the platform which artists can use independently, Foundwork has ongoing programs to create further engagement for participating artists. These include a Guest Curators program (where people across the field are invited to highlight artists on the site), an artist interview series called Dialogues, and the Foundwork Artist Prize (an annual juried $10,000 grant with a selection process each fall).
Artists profiles on the site normally have a $4/monthly membership fee, but we’re glad to collaborate with Foundwork to invite residents and alumnx from Centrum to create your profile completely free of charge. To receive your free code, simply fill out some brief info for Centrum’s records and you’ll receive your code at the end of the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/centrumresd.
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