Summer Writing Workshops Now Online

While the Port Townsend Writers Conference has been postponed until 2021, we have an alternative. We’re offering six online workshops this summer, giving us all the opportunity reconnect and reaffirm our commitment to our craft and our community.

Faculty includes Paisley Rekdal, Alexandra Teague, Robert Lopez, Sam Ligon, Debra Gwartney and Rebecca Brown. Workshops are held in the morning or afternoon. Tuition is $400 and scholarships are available. Morning workshops run from 10:am-Noon. Afternoon workshops run from 1:pm-3:pm

More details below:

PTWC: Summer Online Intensives

What: Five days of online writing instruction, generation, workshopping and camaraderie.

When: JULY 13th- 17th/18th, 2020

Morning workshops: 10:am- Noon

Afternoon workshops: 1:pm- 3:pm

Where: Online

Tuition: $400

Space is limited to 10 people in each online intensive workshop. These spots will fill extremely fast. Please note: Payment is due in full upon registering unless you apply for a scholarship. Tuition for these Summer Writing Intensives is non-refundable. If you have any questions please contact the Program Manager for Writing at Centrum: George Marie gmarie(at) 


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