September Artist Residencies Available

When you first move to Port Townsend you hear this a lot… "September is our best month!" Since I had thoroughly enjoyed March through August I wondered, what could that mean?

PhotoIt means the perfect blend of summer and autumn. Days are still long enough to take in the twilight hours after work. Town is still alive with gallery openings, music at night, and special events on the weekends. The Farmer's Market is still going strong, and people are out and about enjoying themselves and their community.

It's also a great time for an Artist Residency here at Centrum! Depending on your timing, you might find inspiration at our world renowned Wooden Boat Festival. Or you may be here in time to catch the PT Film Festival or the Olympic Music Festival. All great ways to relax after a productive session on your own Artist Residency Project.

There are a few September 2009 openings as I write this, and I hope to fill them with writers, dancers, artists of all genres. Please drop me an email at if you have a project that could benefit from the time, space, and inspiration that Centrum at Ft Worden has to offer. The FAQ sheet has our most recent information, including the application process and description of the program. There is also some availability in late October and the month of November.

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