Centrum campus at Fort Worden

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Daniel Steinberg

FacultyFiddle Tunes
Website: https://hillbilliesfrommars.com/
Photo of Daniel Steinberg

Biographical Info

Daniel has been a musical performer and teacher for over 45 years, with a particular fascination with the traditional music and dance from diverse cultures around the world. He plays piano and flute with the contra dance band Hillbillies from Mars and with New England fiddler Rodney Miller, and has performed with many luminaries of the fiddle music scene, as well as several Latin American and African ensembles. Inspired by a gospel choir workshop he attended in 1995, Daniel founded community choruses in the San Francisco Bay Area, and has led a chorus workshop at Fiddle Tunes for the past 25 years. His interest in Brazilian forró led him to discover the world of rabeca repertoire, which he has been studying and performing, on melodica and pifano (a Brazilian wooden flute), for the past two years.

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