Centrum campus at Fort Worden

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Eloise & Co.

Fiddle Tunes
Photo of Eloise & Co.

Biographical Info


Eloise & Co. features the combined creative force of two of the country’s most sought-after traditional musicians, fiddler Becky Tracy and piano accordionist Rachel Bell. These two, sometimes playing as a duo and other times joined by various guest guitar and piano players, crank out concert and dance music with unbridled energy and soaring beauty. Originally thrown together at a gig where Becky led the contra dance portion of the evening and Rachel led the French dance part of the evening, they have continued to fuse these two elements into their concerts and dances, as well as adding songs and original compositions to the mix. Their first recording, “More, Please” was released in July of 2018. Most recently, their projects have included several exquisite music videos set in the midst of significant Vermont landmarks and their own monthly French bal folk series near Brattleboro, VT.

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Categories: Fiddle Tunes Past Faculty, Music
Updated 5 months ago.