Centrum campus at Fort Worden

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Geoff Seitz

FacultyFiddle Tunes
Photo of Geoff Seitz

Biographical Info

Geoff Seitz has been playing music since age eight and has been playing fiddle for over 45 years. Throughout his years of fiddling, Geoff sought out traditional master fiddlers and learned tunes in the old time style. Although Geoff has spent many hours with the Missouri Valley and Ozark fiddlers, he also learned from Appalachian fiddlers as well as fiddlers

from the western U.S. And he has never been above learning and sharing tunes from fiddlers of his generation and young players. He has won numerous awards for his fiddling and a selection from his solo album was used in a NBC miniseries movie “A Will of Their Own”. Geoff’s style of playing could be described as danceable, lively and steady. He regularly plays traditional dances and concerts. He also plays rhythm and blues and is a drummer. Geoff was one of the founding members of The Ill-Mo Boys, a critically acclaimed string band of old time tunes and songs.

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