Centrum campus at Fort Worden

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Laurie Lewis

Fiddle Tunes
Photo of Laurie Lewis

Biographical Info

with George Guthrie (bio coming)

For nearly four decades, Laurie Lewis has gathered fans and honors for her powerful and emotive voice and her versatile, dynamic songwriting. And she is an inspiration and a ground-breaker – across genres, across geography and across gender barriers. Laurie has shown us how a woman can blend into any part of the classic bluegrass singing trio, and she showed us how a great voice could move fluidly between bluegrass and other types of music. She has shown how a Californian can appeal to traditional bluegrass audiences, as well as winning acclaim in the worlds of Americana and folk music. For almost as long as she’s been performing, Laurie has been sharing her passion for bluegrass and her knowledge of the voice, bluegrass instruments and song arranging with eager students at music camps across the country. She has become a mentor to many young women, among them Molly Tuttle, Tatiana Hargreaves and Kimber Ludiker, who have gone on to stellar professional music careers.

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Categories: Fiddle Tunes, Music, Voice Works
Updated 1 month ago.