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Biographical Info
Liette grew up in the Gaspesie region of Quebec in a small municipality called Petit-Pabos. Music happened only at home, when her father’s fiddler friends would drop by, and at family get-togethers, once or twice a week, where music (along with a glass of gin and food) was the focus. They’d mainly sing popular songs, with traditional songs and fiddle tunes mixed in among them. Her uncles and aunts would sing and play the guitar, her father played fiddle, and her grandmother sang mouth-music. They would dance a bit, of course. Daughter and granddaughter of Gaspé fiddlers, Liette has recorded two solo albums, South Gaspé County and A Little Family Air, which showcase her rich family musical heritage. For her, traditional music is a music of pleasure. Although well anchored in tradition, she constantly tries to extend her musical self, and she’s involved in an astonishing array of creative projects involving music, theater, school programs, music research, collecting, and archiving.
She’ll be accompanied at Fiddle Tunes by Paul Marchand, one of the premier guitarists and singers in the Québec folk scene. As a member of Trio Stéphanie Gagnon, Entourloupe, Manigance and other groups, Paul has performed all over North America and Europe and recorded many fine albums. Gifted with a sure sense of rhythm and a clear, strong voice, he has collaborated with a huge number of traditional musicians from Québec and France. His two-year stay in Brittany gave him the chance to make contact with a song culture not so far removed from his own in Québec. He is an exceptional guitarist who, through his accompaniment, arrangements, and songs, knows how to bring out all the subtlety and sensitivity of the traditional repertoire.