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Max Malone
Voice WorksBiographical Info
A life in music is practically unavoidable when you’re born into a family of musicians. Max Malone was weaned on country music in the rural wilds of Ontario, through both the radio and his mother’s work as a background vocalist on the Tommy Hunter show. By the age of twelve he was performing as a singer and bassist with his family band on a weekly gig in Toronto’s Cabbagetown. He got his first upright bass in high school and played gigs in his dad’s jazz trio throughout his teens. in 1998 he discovered bluegrass and old time music and, drawn to the rich soulful harmonies and the depth of the tradition, he’s been hooked ever since. Max is highly respected as an intuitive and seasoned bass player. He also plays both clawhammer and Scruggs style banjo and rhythm guitar, which informs his overall understanding of the unique rhythms of bluegrass, old time and country music. He is renowned as a vocalist – his powerful voice and ability to sing with an emotional commitment to the song leave the listener feeling truly connected. The rich soulful environment of a bluegrass vocal ensemble is a home away from home for him.