Above: Eva Salina
Our estimable Voice Works faculty will present three lively and energizing performances at Fort Worden beginning on Tuesday evening, June 28th! Tickets are available for concerts at the Wheeler Theater in advance, and are highly recommended, as these shows normally sell-out. Our Honky Tonk Dance is back on July 1, but tickets may only be purchased at the door for that event. The dance will be at the McCurdy Pavilion to allow maximum social distancing. See you at Voice Works!
Faculty Showcase #2
Thursday, June 30, 7:30 pm, Wheeler Theater
Ellie Hakanson – a lifetime of Bluegrass
Eva Salina – interpreter of Balkan Romani songs
Jefferson Hamer – Brooklyn singer-songwriter
Mara Kaye with Ernie Vega – deep blues phenomenon        Â
Greg Blake – soulful Appalachian grasser
Kathy Bullock – African American Sacred Music
Honky Tonk Polka Dot Dance
Friday, July 1, 8 pm
McCurdy Pavilion (with a beer garden)
Tickets $15 (sold at the door only)
Featuring The Caleb Klauder and Reeb Willms Country Band
with Voice Works Faculty cameos
(first polka dot dance in 1,099 days)