I never feel we tell our volunteers how appreciated they are. Before each public performance while I’m busying away, I become aware of an assemblage of black and white-clad volunteers materializing, right on time, eager to help out, taking up their positions and hopefully ready to enjoy the performance. It’s amazing how creative and stylish one can interpret a directive to “wear white on top and black on bottom” and not look as if one’s showing up for a wait staff shift. Volunteers enhance the experience of patrons in everything they do, even if they are not seen, from directing traffic, taxi-ing artists, ticket taking, offering programs, seat finding and helping out with admin in the office. On top of this they can be relied upon to improvise in unforeseen situations that crop up and never fail to fulfill their commitment to Centrum.
One such volunteer who turned her hand to any and all of the above on a regular basis was Molly Brooks who we sadly lost last month. Molly volunteered with Centrum for 10 years after her retirement from running vessels in Alaska among other accomplishments.
It was always a comfort to have Molly at an event, as competent and safety aware as if commanding her own vessel yet perfectly willing to be a crewmember. I didn’t thank Molly enough when she emailed me a only a few weeks ago to say that she was retiring from being a volunteer, without saying why, only that it would be “her loss”.
Please click below to read Molly’s full obituary in the Port Townsend Leader
Peter’s Podcast
Peter McCracken is the program manager for FiddleTunes, VoiceWorks and the Ukulele workshops and founder of Centrum’s Acoustic Blues Festival. Listen out for his new radio show on KPTZ every Friday from 4 pm – 5 pm from next week, June 19th. In this editions he will feature African Americans who have been to Centrum programs.
Madrona MindBody Institue is starting to resume Stage 2 in-person classes outside and, with caution, inside for limited numbers while continuing to lead online sessions too. Keep safe but keep moving.
All for now.
Thanks for listening and stay safe.
See you through the fence again soon!
Claire Africa
Volunteer Coordinator
If you have any comments or questions please don’t hesitate to email me at volunteer@centrum.org

shown: Mateo David