The impacts of 2020 are changing what we do at Centrum in fundamental ways for the foreseeable future. And while we do not have all of the answers to comprehend that future distinctly yet, we are buoyed by the endless creativity and investment of our staff and board as we make our way through this challenging time.
One thing we do know is that Centrum is best when it listens and learns. The pandemic and recent events in our nation remind us of the significance of this principle—irrespective of our enduring legacy of presenting programs of national significance at Fort Worden State Park.
Centrum plans to issue quarterly reports to its stakeholders as we establish new policies and protocols for our future. We are putting all-new online programs and podcasts in place now for this summer—look for information on those developments on our website and in our next report.
This report is being distributed to all stakeholders who have touched the organization in the last three years. It will be followed, in a few weeks, with a broad-based appeal, inviting those who care most about Centrum and its core values to help sustain the organization as we wage change.
We have been fortunate to plan well in advance of the pandemic, allowing us to weather this uncommon era with a steady hand.
We hope you are remaining well and finding creative outlets for your own talents as we continue to (essentially) shelter in place.
Above all, thank you for your magnanimous support and your vital role in supporting the arts, heritage and culture. The work we do is perhaps more important than ever!