Discovering your Essential Self – A Practice Guide to Enhancing your Daily Practice

Join Darsie Beck, Gloria Lamson and Madrona MindBody Institute May 1, 2, and 3rd, 2009 to experience a holistic approach to sustained, creative, spiritual growth and overall well-being.  Learn the "Art of Journal Keeping", the centering attributes and meditative quality of "Seeing Drawing" and writing "Morning Pages".

*Access your inner wisdom * Facilitate greater creativity * Achieve greater harmony through movement * Empower your unique vision * Live seamlessly with intention
(No previous art experience necessary.  Movement portion accessible to all.)
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Darsie Bec
is a professional artist, landscape designer, stone carber and journal keeper.  For the past 8 years Darsie has facilitated "The Artist's Way" and journal keeping workshops on Vashon Island and throughout the Northwest.  He is a Centrum Artist in Residence and a member of Vashon Allied Arts.

Gloria Lamson is a visual artis whose Glo workin10aecreative practice has been central to her life.  She received a MFA in Arts and Consciousness from J.F.K.U in CA.  She has taught, mentoried and coached adults for 28 years.  Floria is currently teaching for Artist Trust.

Madrona MindBody Institute:

  • Located in the "Dream City" of Port Townsend, Washington, a scenic drive from Seattle.
  • Peacefully nestled within Fort Worden State Park's Life-Long Learning Center – A Legendary Gathering Place
  • Beautiful movement space and Centrum's seasoned visual arts studio.
  • Your sanctuary for conscious living and dance.

Meals and accommodation packages available.  For more workshop information, email:  or call (360) 344-4475.

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