Explorations Arts Academy | Grades 7-9
Explorations empowers students to explore their distinct perspectives and experiences and share those gifts with the world. Through this immersive, week-long program at Fort Worden, students are introduced to the world of arts and ideas, creative risk-taking, and personal development. This unique learning environment challenges the mind and body in equal measure.
Centrum Foundation is pleased to announce the Explorations Arts Academy Scholar Award. Three full scholarships to a week-long arts intensive will be awarded to promising youth artists in grades 7-9. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of professional artists and Centrum staff. The top submission for each of the following categories will receive a full scholarship offer including room and board: Visual Art, Written Word, Performance Art (Music, Theater, Dance)

Contest Rules and Eligibility:Â
Washington State residents in grades 7-9 are eligible to apply
Students may submit one piece of art in original or digital form (PDF, video up to three minutes) in one of the following categories: visual art, written word, performance art
A signed submission form (see below) must accompany entries
Submissions must be submitted before December 15, 2023
Award Recipients will be notified by January 5, 2024.
Mail or email to:Â
Alyssa de Leon, Program Manager for Creative Youth Programming
Centrum Foundation
PO Box 1158
Port Townsend WA 98368
Explorations Arts Academy Scholar Submission
Thank you for your submission in the Explorations Arts Academy Scholar Award Contest. All contest entries must be accompanied by a signed copy of this release form.
In exchange for good and valuable consideration, I consent to the display and/or use of my original artwork submission or images thereof by Centrum Foundation. This consent applies in all forms known now or in the future, in all media and in all manners, including, but not limited to: advertising, art, editorial.
Entrant InformationÂ
Name | Â |
Grade | Â |
Address | Â |
Phone | Â |
Signature:_______________________________ Date: _________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________ Date: _____________