Open Studios with Cathy MacGregor

Friday, December 6, 2-6 p.m.
Saturday, December 7, 1-4 p.m.
Cabin 261, Fort Worden State Park
see campus map

Join us for a special opportunity to visit with Centrum resident, Cathy MacGregor (Jamestown S’Klallam), a weaver and teacher dedicated to rediscovering the traditional techniques of her ancestors.

For her winter 2019 residency, MacGregor will focus on cedar, the “Tree of Life” for her and her ancestors. She will practice traditional cedar bark weaving, including harvesting and processing, dying with native materials, and weaving one of her largest baskets to-date. Over the course of her residency, MacGregor will offer workshops to the public and a sharing of completed projects.

This program is part of MacGregor’s Centrum Northwest Heritage Residency, made possible through a National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” grant, presented in partnership with Fort Worden Public Development Authority.

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