Hello Everyone and welcome to the Centrum Blog to help us stay connected!
In these times of uncertainty and, for many of us, necessary isolation, I wanted to be sure to stay in touch and keep the volunteer family close! A little history – The VolBlog was devised originally back in 2008 by Lisa Werner, who was the Volunteer Coordinator at that time. Many of you now know Lisa as Centrum’s Director of Operations. This seems like an appropriate time to resurrect the Volunteer Blog to keep you informed about what’s happening at Centrum and also to provide you with links to a range of interesting and fun resources, from the locally sourced to the far flung. Life long learning and fun know no bounds! There is much to keep you entertained and your mind occupied out there in cyberspace and I look forward to directing you to some choice picks. I’d also love to hear from any of you. If you have photos and stories of how you’ve been spending the Winter, home or away, please do email me and I’ll share them in upcoming Blogs.
Starting close to home, you should know that Centrum is alive and well and the deer continue to cavort, although largely unsupervised, at Fort Worden. The Centrum office is presently closed, and since mid-March, staff have been working hard from their home offices to come up with scheduling solutions in these logistically demanding times of ever moving goal posts. Updates to Centrum workshops and performances are posted on the Centrum website as decisions are made:
Please note that the next Centrum public event to take place, the Communiversity Lecture by Robyn Bailey that was scheduled to take place at Port Townsend High School on April 13th will now go ahead as an online event. Obviously no volunteers will be required for this event and if you would like to attend from the comfort of home, please click on the link for details.
Centrum Suspends 2020 Summer Season Until 2021
The link below provides updates at Fort Worden State Park.
Latest Update from Fort Worden Regarding COVID-19 – 3.31.2020
Welcome to “Through The Fence” showcasing innovative community preserving, during these challenging times.
One of Centrum’s partners, Port Townsend School of the Arts, is offering not only remote workshops and classes, but also a free Postcards from Home exhibit, inviting participants of all ages to create and mail in your postcards from home. Click on the link for full details about classes, as well as how the CoronaVirus is affecting their world.
If you are wanting to keep up with  your movement classes, The Madrona Mind Body Institute is continuing it’s movement classes online.  The staff at Madrona are accommodating the social distancing regime and are now able to continue class schedules remotely.
This could be a good time to embark on Madrona’s movement classes too.
Check out Madrona at home.
And here’s a favorite one this week, from across the Atlantic. Mirko and Valerio from Sicily – sign these 12 year old twins up for FiddleTunes??
Mirko e Valerio, Violinisti Little Band covers “VIVA LA VIDA” (Coldplay) during quarantine in Italy
Thanks for listening and stay safe.
See you through the fence again soon!
Claire Africa
Volunteer Coordinator
If you have any comments or questions please don’t hesitate to email me at volunteer@centrum.org