A Warm Farewell to Jordan Hartt

After 14 years with Centrum, Jordan Hartt will be stepping down as the program manager of the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference, a role he has held for more than a decade. His hard work and dedication for making a community for and about writers has made this conference what it is today.

Throughout his time, Jordan has followed his belief in the power of reading and writing to transform lives. That belief has made Centrum memorable for the many who have passed through our doors during his tenure. His distinct humor and cheer have welcomed the writers from the first day to the last as he has sat on the Schoolhouse steps or at the back of the Wheeler Theater for the evening readings.

Jordan has built a community of writers and thinkers who seek not only to improve their own writing but each others’. Now, those writers’ books can be found in bookshelves across the country, paying Jordan’s hard work and sense of community forward. It’s the fields of Fort Worden where the seeds of those great works have taken place. And, for over a decade, Jordan has done his part to create a place for those seeds to grow. While we are excited for the next chapter of this conference with new program manager George Marie, we look back to Jordan and say farewell and thank you.

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