Centrum Staff
The dedicated operational team that keeps this epic arts organization running year round. Filter by department to view staff; select profile for more information and contact details.
Biographical Info
Peter McCracken (Program Manager, Fiddle Tunes, Voice Works, Ukulele) has served at Centrum in various capacities, including Arts Program Director and Traditional Arts Program Manager. In 1992, he started the blues workshop and festival, bringing five National Heritage Award recipients to Fort Worden to perform and teach. McCracken led the initial curatorial project for Centrum’s Festival of American Fiddle Tunes Preservation and Stabilization project in 2000, producing Volume 1 of the Fiddle Tunes Archives. The CD “A 20th Anniversary Festival Sampler” captures 22 performances from the festival’s 20th gathering. The long-term project received initial funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, along with generous donations from individual donors.