2017 Water World Photos Are Up!

We have posted photographer David Conklin’s photos from the 2017 Water World workshop!. Water World is a collaboration between Centrum and the Port Townsend Marine Science Center, that is filled with activities and projects that expand and enhance elementary students’ experience of the marine world through the lenses of both science and art.

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Sessions were led by artists Christian Swenson, Natalie Dupille, Sierra Nelson, and Rachel Kessler, and Karlisa Callwood of the Port Townsend Marine Science Center.


Drawing, Naturally! 

In this exploration of nature through visual art, Natalie will guide students in illustrating and depicting new discoveries in a handmade artists’ journal. Students will develop new skills in artistic observation and spontaneous creativity as they find a variety of ways to detail the natural world around them.

Experiments Writing In the Field

Inspired by marine science – its methods, creatures, plants and stories – the Vis-à-Vis Society will use observation, games, and improv  theater to generate creative writing in many forms. We will explore the landscape of Fort Worden to find words and characters and use our scientific discoveries to fuel our imaginations. Founder and charter members of the Cephalopod Appreciation Society, Sierra and Rachel have been collaborating as writers and performers for over 15 years and are excited to share some of their playful and unusual techniques that bring writing to another level! Ask them about becoming members of the Cephalopod Society!

Bio-Art—It’s Alive! 
If art imitates life, how do we imitate “aliveness”? In this workshop we will explore the lively terrain between art and play and human and nature. Using our original instruments, body and voice, and our natural imitative abilities, we will study how nature shapes itself (waves, weather, erosion, plant and animal forms, life and death cycles, etc.) and how humans use story, poetry, music and dance to reflect the natural world.

The Port Townsend Marine Science inquiry activities focus on hands-on learning about the wonders of the Salish Sea ecosystem.

Plankton Lab
During this inquiry lab, students become scientists working together to collect a sample from the Marine Science Center’s dock and then use microscopes to discover, identify and draw the life teaming in a drop of water. Much of what they will discover in the sample is plankton, which is the basis of the marine food web in Puget Sound. Discussions touch on the role of plankton in the marine food web, plankton adaptation, distribution of plankton world-wide, and/or the chemistry of plankton growth in the Puget Sound.

Introduction to Invertebrates
Marine invertebrates make up some of the most interesting and colorful members of Puget Sound’s marine life. Students will explore touch-tanks filled with local invertebrates, observing the strategies these organisms use for feeding, movement and protection. From their observations, students define the basic characteristics of four major invertebrate groups. Finally, they choose an animal and create a detailed scientific drawing.

Science in the Field
During one full day outdoors, students explore three different aquatic environments – a freshwater pond, brackish lagoon and the shore of the open ocean.  Through observation of plants and animals, water quality measurements and group discussion, students learn to recognize the characteristics of each habitat.  In the process, they also develop a deeper awareness of the importance of wild, undisturbed habitats, and the best ways to live in harmony with nature.

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