Artist Accommodation at Fort Worden, Building 275

Capital Funds Awarded to Centrum

Centrum is pleased to announce the receipt of an award of $600,000 in capital funds from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust (Vancouver, WA) in support of restoring its facilities at Fort Worden State Park. These funds are being matched by the Sage Foundation, for a total of $1.2 million earmarked for restoration of Centrum’s artist cabins which provide year-round accommodations for visiting artists-in-residence and teaching faculty. The programming Partners at Fort Worden were granted 25-year leases in 2022 under the condition that they individually assume all of the maintenance and restoration needs of their facilities. It is estimated that the Fort carries more than $100 million of deferred maintenance needs throughout its campus. A 2021 independent analysis, commissioned by Centrum, calculates that its share alone, over the next 20 years for Centrum leased buildings, is $10.3 million. The Artist Cabins—six buildings built by the Army in 1941, most as temporary barracks—represent $4.8 million in maintenance needs, or 47% of Centrum’s total obligation under its lease

“The promise of the lease arrangements signed by the PDA and Partners is affirmed and demonstrable,” says Centrum’s executive, Robert Birman. “The non-profits at Fort Worden are bringing significant private philanthropy to bear on improving the aging facilities at the Fort as evidenced by this most recent grant, and others we have obtained. The cultural Partners on the campus have taken on roughly one-third of the deferred maintenance needs on our campus, which allows the PDA, Parks, and the Fort Worden Foundation to focus on the remaining infrastructure and buildings (dormitories, meeting rooms, etc.) that are so essential to serving year-round guests and the visiting public. It is a win-win for everyone.”

M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, created by the will of the late Melvin J. (Jack) Murdock, provides grants to organizations in five states of the Pacific Northwest—Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington—that seek to strengthen the region’s educational and cultural base in creative and sustainable ways.

Photo credit: Artist Accommodation at Fort Worden, Building 275

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