Artists in Place virtual creativity in community

Centrum Announces New Podcast Series

Centrum has launched a new podcast series featuring art and the artistic process, through the lenses of music, writing, visual arts, and general conversations. The majority of its pods are pre-recorded and available for streaming or subscription, but some occur as live-streaming events, only later to be rereleased as podcasts on its online channels.

Artists In Place, Centrum’s podcast network, launched on Wednesday, August 12th, consisting of five unique, individual podcast channels hosted and produced by executive director Robert Birman, Centrum’s program managers, and other staff.

The podcasts are produced in and broadcast from Fort Worden. You can access these podcasts on any of the platforms you currently use to listen to podcasts or digital music, such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Stitcher.

Though the project began prior to the pandemic, the streaming audio series aligns with our mission to continue programming in safe, digital formats during the pandemic.

Visit our podcast homepage HERE to see them all.


Available podcasts:















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