Gloria Lamson Open Studio 2/25/18

Centrum Artist in Residence Gloria Lamson will hold an Open Studio on February 25, 2018 from 3:30p-6:30p upstairs in Building 205 at Fort Worden.

Lamson uses natural or simple manmade materials to create temporary site responsive installations and interactions in nature and architectural environments.

“This installation is a navigable chart of my work and creative process that allows back and forth reflection, at a glance. My residency at Centrum allowed me to examine the joys and pathos, the hilltops and valleys, various stages in my work. This installation is a ‘place’ to explore the personal art story of my life.”

Lamson invites visitors on Sunday to reflect and comment on questions such as “How can art help?” and “What is art for?” She welcomes contributions to her “sharing wall” including copies of favorite poems and quotes which can help align with life and intentions.

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