Honoring the Legacy of Lucas Hicks

Centrum and the greater family of Lucas Hicks are proud to unveil the Lucas Hicks Shining Light Front Porch Fellowship.

Composer, teacher, and multi-instrumentalist Lucas Hicks left a hefty legacy when he passed last October, and his family and friends are poised to see that it’s not wasted. They’ve created, in his honor and at his request, a fellowship to be awarded to a person who might embody the spirit and character of Lucas Hicks’ approach to music and to community.


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The Front Porch Fellowship grew out of the notion of folk music as a shared experience—passing along tunes, songs, and stories person-to-person, or as Lucas would say, knee-to-knee, and in a spirit of revelry. At the end of the day, folk music is about sitting around on each other’s porches, sharing music until the sun comes up.

The Front Porch Fellowship is awarded annually to a curious musician who embodies some of the most essential attributes of Lucas Hicks’s musical ethos. The fellowship is available to anyone from anywhere, of any age, playing any instrument.

Essential criteria are that the recipient:

  • Is passionate about traditional music;
  • Is eager to learn, and to share;
  • Is fond of people.

The Fellow will receive tuition, room, and board at Fiddle Tunes.

In return, the Fellow agrees to seek out and learn one tune a day during the week, “knee to knee” from someone outside of scheduled classes; the Fellow will learn three new jokes; and the Fellow will pass on one tune to another player.

We’d like to see this fellowship last as long as Fiddle Tunes. If you’re partial to contributing to this fellowship, you may do so here: https://app.mobilecause.com/f/1u89/n.



Centrum Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax identification #23-7348302. Donations are tax deductible as allowable by law. Thank you for your generosity!

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