Workshop: Fish Soup and Buckskin Bread Making with Lina Markishtum and Theresa Parker

November 10, 2019
10:30 am-1 p.m.
Building 246, JFK

Experience a day of traditional Makah meal preparation with Lina Markishtum and Theresa Parker. Limited to twelve people, this unique opportunity will provide six participants with the opportunity to help with preparation and six people will be able to observe and join in the resulting meal. The workshop will culminate in a special time of meal sharing. Throughout this time together, community members will witness and learn about the Makah cultural histories, traditional food and weaving processes.

This workshop is part of Markishtum and Parker’s Centrum Northwest Heritage Residency, made possible through a National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” grant, presented in partnership with Fort Worden Public Development Authority.



Note: Registration is not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email and will be first come first serve, with a portion of spots reserved for tribal members.


Lina “Babe” Markishtum (Makah) has provided traditional and contemporary food service to many communities locally for 20 years combined. Lina currently provides traditional food catering for the Makah Cultural and Research Center. Lina enjoys sharing her cooking skills and her plant knowledge.

Parker and Markishtum are relatives and they have traveled for decades together, sharing their basketry, plant and traditional foods knowledge with many communities near and far (locally and nationally).

Theresa Parker’s (Makah/Lummi) earliest memory of basket weaving was age 5, while learning to make cedar mats with her Gramma Bertha. She credits her own weaving success to her Mother Leah and Grandmother Bertha Lane-Smith’s patience, as the skill was hard won. She uses traditional and contemporary basketry materials. Theresa is an Education Coordinator of the Makah Cultural and Research Center-24+yrs. She is one of the founding (1995) Board members of the Northwest Native American Basketweavers Association.


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