Art Is Life

For Centrum’s Young Artist programs, autumn is a time of planning, program design, and hiring artists for the upcoming year. It is a time to review program evaluations and re-examine every aspect of our programs.

Reading about the experiences students have at Centrum is inspiring. The evaluations are full of joy, enthusiasm, and newfound self-confidence. We believe learning in the arts connects young people to their essential selves and gives them courage to branch out in their lives.

Explorations for grades 7-9 (March 3-8, 2013), Water World for grades 5-6 (April 28-May 3, 2013) and the Advanced High School Writers’ Studio (July 7-14, 2013) are all open for registration. We are excited to continue our 35-year history of providing programs in collaboration with OSPI.

Students come to Centrum for a week-long total immersion program. Back at school, it is reported they re-enter with positive enthusiasm. One group…

“ …returned from Centrum glowing with an amazing sense of accomplishment… and talking non-stop about an array of artistic mediums they focused on during their stay. The week enabled them to see themselves as creative, joyous artists in a community that celebrates their imagination and potential.”

“They realized intuitively that art could explore themes and ideas using metaphors so powerful that artists return to them time and again over centuries. They learned, too, that this knowledge had value and meaning to them — not because it made them better readers or writers, or got them better grades, but simply because that knowledge led them to a better understanding of beauty….and so, of life.”

Noncognitive skills – such as persistence, self-control, curiosity, conscientiousness, grit and self-confidence – are more crucial than sheer brainpower to achieving success.

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