Find Your Song at Voice Works

June 27 – July 2, 2017
Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend, WA


You’ll learn new songs, about your range, and how to find your key.

Join us for Centrum’s latest gathering of singers! Voice Works is held at Fort Worden State Park, a venue unparalleled in beauty and facility. Expect four days and five nights of intense fun, singing instruction, repertoire building, and merry music making with some top drawer vocalists.

Singing is compelling, a natural human effort to communicate. Singing maintains culture, and it makes you feel good. The combination of world-class artists and passionate singers at Voice Works creates a rare community, safe for participants of all levels to participate.

Day and night you’ll soak up styles, songs and stories in a wide range of vocal traditions. Through close observation and personal experimentation you’ll learn about breathing, phrasing, dynamics, how to make your voice blend, and what makes your voice unique.

Have questions? Need help deciding? Give Program Manager Peter McCracken a call at 360-385-3102 x127 or email at

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